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Green Apples

General Health & Longevity

Studies are showing again and again that primarily plant-based diets are associated with increased longevity and a decrease in chronic illness.

Varieties of Grain

Cardiovascular Health

Heart disease is the number one cause of death for American men and women.  A plant-based diet is protective against heart disease and may improve outcomes for those already diagnosed.

Brazil Nuts


A whole foods plant based diet emphasizing whole grains, fruits and vegetables, legumes, and nuts and seeds is the most beneficial for diabetes prevention and management.

Bowl of fresh fruit


Research has shown that eating a lot of plant-based foods, such as fruits, vegetables, legumes, nuts and whole grains is linked with lower cancer rates.  The multitude of phytochemicals found in plants may protect cells from damage.

Soy Bean curd tofu in clay bowl and in h

Soy & Health

There is a lot of misinformation circulating about soy.  However, research shows that eating whole soy foods may reduce the risk of breast cancer and several other types of cancer.  In addition soy may be protective against heart disease and other chronic diseases.  Soy is rich in protein and important nutrients including iron, calcium, zinc, and many other minerals.



Athletic Performance

While many may be skeptical that plant-based diets are adequate for athletes, eating diet centered around plant based foods may help maximize athletic performance and recovery.

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